The Currently Journaling Challenge was something that I came up with at the beginning of last year. I wanted to document each week by reflecting on the same set of seven questions and sharing those answers online.Over the past year we’ve built up an awesome community. I've made lots of new friends and I look forward to seeing everyone’s answers each week. It’s a great conversation starter, some of my favorite instagram and blog discussions have been from talking about our currently cards.
What do you do with your lists?
Most of my lists go into my project life album, although I have several Currently journaling cards from the summer when I switched up my memory-keeping style. I'll be putting those cards into their own book and sharing it later this month.
Play along by downloading the original Currently Journaling Card (free). Be on the lookout later this month — brand new Currently Journaling Cards for 2014!
Each weekend, I share my #CurrentlyList journaling card on this blog, as well as on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Learn more about the Currently Journaling Challenge and play along today.